As we are active as instructors at the University of Zurich, we are closely connected to the employees and students of the renown Dental Clinic. Therefore, we are up to date with the evolution of dental medicine. It is our aim to always be state-of-the-art, that is why we encourage and support the continuous training and specialisation of our employees.
Our Vision
All employees of Grimm Dentists work together for the well-being of our patients and with the mission to provide excellent services. This includes extended opening hours. We aim to fulfil all wishes of our patients regarding appointments and treatment, as well as practising dentistry on the highest level. Through continuous training of all our employees, especially the dentists, we try to steadily optimise our services and treatments in all areas of dentistry and provide all kind of treatments for the young and the old under one roof, may they be simple or more complex.
Our Mission
Health is certainly not everything, but without health, everything amounts to nothing. Health and beautiful teeth are the prerequisite for well-being and attractiveness. We will take care of you!
Mit Sabrina Signer konnten wir eine Fachzahnärztin für Parodontologie ins Team holen
- 15. February 2018
Meet The Expert: Am Kongress der EAO beantwortet Dr. Zeltner Fragen rund um das Thema Impl
- 05. October 2017
Mikroskop der neuesten Generation ab jetzt bei Grimm Zahnärzte im Einsatz
- 01. September 2017
Publikation unter Mitarbeit von Marco Zeltner im Journal of Clinical Periodontology erschi
- 09. April 2017
Andreas Grimm seit 20 Jahren Instruktor auf der Klinik für Kronen und Brückenprothetik
- 05. October 2016
Systematische Übersichtsarbeit und Meta-Analyse unter Mitarbeit von Marco Zeltner erschie
- 09. September 2016
Andy Grimm und Marco Zeltner als Referenten am XX. Kompetenzforum Gewebemanagement
- 05. November 2015
Übersichtsarbeit unter Mitarbeit von Marco Zeltner für die Consensus Konferenz der Europ
- 09. September 2015